Multiplatform Editor
Voice and Creative Director
Interdisciplinary Artist
Oral Historian
Multimedia Producer
Freelance Journalist
Writer 〰️ Filmmaker 〰️ Multiplatform Editor 〰️ Voice and Creative Director 〰️ Poet 〰️ Interdisciplinary Artist 〰️ Oral Historian 〰️ Multimedia Producer 〰️ Freelance Journalist 〰️
Camilo is now open to opportunities through his multimedia production company Cuentero Productions.
Some of the services he offers through Cuentero are voice and creative direction of multimedia projects; writing, reporting, and editing in both fiction and non-fiction; all aspects of audio writing, editing, production; podcast consulting; web and digital production work; and interpretation, translation, and voice-over services in Spanish and English, among others.
Feel free to browse around his portfolio, kept up to date until the beginning of 2024, through the links on the navigation and also below.
A photograph of Daniel Galvez’s Carnaval mural on top of the House of Brakes in San Francisco’s Mission District with Camilo recording sound for the award-winning documentary short film Las Muralistas: Our Walls, Our Stories. Courtesy of Camilo Garzón.
[1] transeúnte <<trahn-seh-OON-teh>>
Del lat. transiens, transeuntis, part. pres. act. de transīre 'ir de un lugar a otro', 'pasar'.
1. adj. Que transita o pasa por un lugar. U. t. c. s.
2. adj. Que está de paso, que no reside sino transitoriamente en un sitio. Apl. a pers., u. t. c. s.
3. adj. De duración limitada.
4. adj. Fil. Que se produce por el agente de tal suerte que el efecto pasa o se termina fuera de él mismo.
In English: A passerby
e.g., “And does not every Homo sapiens that is hurrying somewhere resemble Achilles? Nobody is able to catch up with one’s tortoise, reach something close by, whatever it could be. A survey of the late fall. Occupation – a passerby. Place of work – the street. The length of employment in the given field – eternity.”